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Beauty introduce differentiated solutions UNOCOS.



What is acne?
  • Acne is inflammatory disease occurred in sebaceous follicle and it occurs by
    interaction of various causes.
  • The biggest cause of acne is accumulating sebum since sebum production increases
    with much androgen hormone and epidermal stratum corneum blocks pore.
  • Normal acne germs exist in sebaceous glands, and if sebum is discharged smoothly,
    acne germs increase explosively with other germs and these germs cause inflammation
    in the pores, which makes acne.
  • Occurrence age of acne ranges from adolescence to 50's and if you do not manage
    it rightly, you may have permanent scars, so you'd better manage it in early stage.
  • 여드름 발생1 Sebum discharge is not done since dead skin cells block pore.
  • 여드름 발생2 Undischarged sebum lumps and makes acne seed.
  • 여드름 발생3 Bacteria that eats acne seed becomes bigger gradually
  • 여드름 발생4 Acne occurs

Excessively produced sebum due to increased male hormone and dead skin cell that blocks pore makes acne seed, which multiplies bacteria making inflammation.

Why does acne occur?

Acne occurs by various factors as below mostly.

  • 1) Excessive sebum production according to hormone change: constitutional factor, overwork and stress, menstruation and pregnancy
  • 2) Cause of pore closing: Androgen effect, UV, cosmetics, wrong face washing method
  • 3) Other causes: Aggravated acnes, drug, food (especially liquor, fat, cigarette), fatigue and stress, genetic factor
What kinds of acne are there
  • early eruption

    late eruption

    • (Open eruption "nickname blackhead") Black colored acne erupted sebum up to skin surface
    • (Closed eruption "nickname whitehead") White colored acne with sebum not getting out from skin surface
  • 염증성농포/구진 이미지

    • Pustule : State that pus pocket is ripen to be able to squeeze
    • Papule : Red colored inflammatory eruption
  • 결절/낭종 이미지

    • Nodule : Big and deep acne that can be touched solidly
    • Cyst : Bigger and red colored acne with inflammation deep into the skin
How do we manage the skin?
  • Acne is chronic disease that occurs due to unsmooth discharge of sebum to outer skin, and blocking of pore by dead skin cells causes inflammation.
  • Remove dead skin cells regularly in order for sebum to be discharged smoothly.
  • Cleaning of the skin is the first thing and wash the face thoroughly using cleanser with less irritant slightly acid or antibacterial cleanser.
  • Excessive face wash aggravates acne, so minimize irritation and friction.
  • Avoid oily cosmetics and use antibacterial and moisturizing cosmetics.
Management rules for Acne
  • 01 Cleaning of the skin is the first thing and wash the face thoroughly using cleanser with less irritant slightly acid.
  • 02 Do not squeeze frequently or touch the skin unconsciously and keep the hands clean always.
  • 03 Excessive cleansing aggravates acne, therefore minimize irritation and friction.
  • 04 Avoid oily cosmetics and use antibacterial and moisturizing cosmetics.
  • 05 Make light makeup since dark makeup aggravates acne by blocking pores.
  • 06 Avoid greasy food and make balanced meal avoiding strong tasting food.
  • 07 Keep in mind that strong UV, overwork, liquor, cigarette, etc. are the enemy of acne treatment.
  • 08 Always keep scalp clean and wash bedclothes and pillow cover frequently.
  • 09 It is better to have sufficient sleep, rest and comfortable mind.
  • 10 It is important to manage and prevent in advance before occurring acne and if it is severe, you need to care it after seeing a doctor.
  • Source: National Health Insurance Corporation, Korea Cosmetics Association

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