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Solution Alopecia



What is hair loss?
  • It is the state of no hair on the area where hairs should exist normally due to lack of
    nutrition supply and metabolism for hair production.
  • Cause of hair loss is very diverse, but it is the disease occurred by strong action of genetic factor.
  • Loss of 50~70 hairs a day is normal, but if it exceeds 100 hairs, you need to prevent it since
    it may be due to morbid cause.
What is the cause of hair loss?

Hair loss occurs by various factors, but they are as below in most cases.

  • Genetic factor
  • Demodex folliculorum
  • Illness and drugs
  • Male hormone action
  • Stress
  • Skin disease
  • Blood circulation disorder
  • Malnutrition
  • Aging
  • Sebum secretion disorder
  • Excessive hair products
What kind of types of hair loss are there?
  • Male
    Hair Loss

    It is a hair loss occurred after becoming adult passing adolescence and it is called 'bald head'. This hair loss occurs by excessively secreted male hormone and stress or when bad life habit such as excessive taking of fat, drinking, smoking, etc. continues. In this case, growth period of hair gets shortened and hairs in the front and top of the head except sides change gradually to thin hairs, which makes hair loss. According to the types of hair loss, it is divided as O, M, and C type.

  • Female
    Hair Loss

    Female also can have hair loss due to male hormone secretion in ovary and adrenal. However, females do not have bald heads differently from male hair loss since woman has more estrogen (female hormone) than androgen (male hormone) basically. Female hair loss occurs mainly from late 20's at top of the head first and all hairs are not lost after having thin hairs, and fine soft hairs remain and hair lines in forehead are maintained. Cause of female hair loss is genetic factor as male hair loss with male hormone effect and eating habit.

  • Alopecia

    Alopecia areata is the disease that makes coin-sized bold spot in the scalp. It is a kind of skin disease that makes hair loss by resting phase of follicles due to inflammation of growing follicles. Its cause is known to complicated disease occurred due to stress, allergy, genetic factor, autoimmune factor, etc. You need to be careful since malignant alopecia areata begins as small circle and it may change to alopecia totalis that spreads to entire scalp gradually.

  • Telogen

    Telogen effluvium is the hair loss progression by acceleration of resting phase of hair loss due to shortening of hair growth period. Normal hairs in resting phase is around 15% and if it becomes more than 25%, it is called as telogen effluvium. Sometimes, hairs are lost about more than 150 hairs a day after receiving big stimulus or after illness. It is the phenomenon of focusing energies into one spot to overcome the illness. Therefore, number of hairs in resting phase becomes larger, which makes hairs not to grow due to the lack of energy going to hairs.
    Telogen effluvium progresses 2~3 months after receiving causative stimulus such as disease or stresses and it returns to normal in 6~12 months when stimulus disappear. Postpartum telogen effluvium, diet (nutrition deficiency), disease, drug, stress alopecia are typical telogen effluviums.

  • Other
    Hair Losses
    • Alopecia seborrhecia : It is a hair loss that causes inflammation and itchiness in the scalp with excessive dandruffs. Scalp is sticky and has lots of oil always due to excessive secretion of sebum and it occurs to the man mostly.
    • Nutritional alopecia (Alopecia senilis) : It occurs due to lack of iron, copper, essential mineral, vitamin, etc. If we take salt, spice, sugar, liquor, coffee, etc. excessively, it lays a burden on organs and makes bad blood circulation causing anemia, which makes hair loss by adding base to the scalp.
    • Juvenile alopecia : It means hair loss patients with the age of under 15. It occurs when children are exposed to contaminated environment or severe stress, or for the stress sensitive children.
    • Alopecia obesity : Major causes are aging, stress, excessive diet, oral contraceptive taking, excessive hair trimming, etc.
      and it occurs with the hairs thinned in extensively.
    • Alopecia traction : It is a hair loss by applying force of pulling the hairs while binding hairs. If hair trimming is done excessively for a long time, hairs are crushed or lost temporarily or permanently.
    • Alopecia cicatricans : It is permanent hair loss by destroying follicles and creating fibrous tissues.
How do we care hair loss?
  • Use shampoo that is appropriate for your scalp.
    In case of oily scalp, use shampoo with high cleaning power and less conditioner ingredient.
    In case of dry scalp, shampoo with low cleaning power and much conditioner ingredient is good for scalp and damaged hair.
  • It is good to wash hairs once a day.
    If you leave wastes and impurities unattended without washing hairs, more severe hair loss may occur since contaminants block hair roots, so you need to keep scalp clean always.
  • When washing hairs, use warm water and when drying them, use natural wind.
  • Avoid hair dyeing or permanent that irritates scalp if possible.
  • Manage the hairs by doing scalp massage for 5 minutes three times a day.
Management rules for hair loss prevention
  • 01 Keep cleanliness of scalp by doing shampooing once a day.
  • 02 Relax tensioned scalp by doing massage.
  • 03 Avoid hair dyeing or permanent that irritates scalp severely if possible.
  • 04 It is better not to do excessive drinking or smoking.
  • 05 Do not make ill balanced feeding or excessive dieting.
  • 06 It is good to have moderate exercise and enough sleep.
  • 07 It is good to have positive thought by finding stress relieving method that suits you.
  • 08 Minimize the use of excessive hair styling product.
  • 09 It is good to make smooth metabolism by drinking more than 2 liters of water a day.
  • 10 It is important to prevent hair loss by using eco-friendly product with less chemical components and when you have hair loss, you should see a specialist.
  • Source: Korea Cosmetics Association, Korea Association of Scalp Health

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